Thursday, April 28, 2016

Gratitude Journal - Day 7

                Today is a very big day for me personally and professionally. I am opening myself up to new opportunities. Most people don’t want to give themselves permission to do something new. I have to else I will get the same result. I am grateful for these new lessons because this means new learning opportunities. I take everything as a new learning opportunity because I can grow from it. I just pray to Jehovah that He guides me through this process. Here is my gratitude list for today:

Gratitude List – Day 7

  1. Thankful to be the first person in my family to write a book
  2. To share knowledge on my radio show
  3. To open myself to financial abundance and additional streams of income
  4. To receive counsel from wiser people who will guide me through this process
  5. That my Mommy is okay
  6. I am in perfect health and able to complete my schedule
  7. I am planting seeds and making deposits today for my future
  8. Recruiters are interested in me and willing to take my phone calls
  9. Grateful to learn more about the book industry every day
  10. My energy is starting to shift positively
  11. Review my Nanowrimo draft and have found 7+ articles benefitting my blogs
  12. I am open to trying new social media avenues (Blab) to promote my book and myself. I may even do a Blab while broadcasting my radio show.
  13. I am alive and breathing fresh air

I have made this gratitude list early this morning. I would not have expected the adversity coming my way. When the recruiter tells me to call her next Tuesday morning, my spirit is crushed because I have wait 3 whole business days for a response. That’s 72 hours. No way! I sulk badly because I truly want to work and be productive. I should not be punished like this. Next several of the Upwork questions aren’t on the announcements but once I open up the proposal, BAM, there they are! I return back to my regular sites. When I receive the best news ever: my former coworker got a GS-14 in settlement! I was so happy for her because it has been 2 years in the making. I am very grateful to be a part of the process and see it from beginning to end. I mail her two congratulatory cards (I could not decide)!
                Next I overcome my fear, go to KDP, and upload my book for pre-order. Now I put my pre-order all the way out to July just in case there is any funny business. I am grateful to find more errors now. While reading my book on air, I have noticed more of them. Instead of being mad, I am grateful to find them now instead of the reader finding them. I will resend another edit form. Furthermore, I learn from customer service that the KDP email account is responsive so I submit a copy of my US Copyright registration. I welcome all future correspondence. However, I do feel that Amazon will accept my book. Finally, I am thankful that I have overcome my fear and have completed the KDP form. It is a weight off of my shoulders.

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