Thursday, April 28, 2016

Gratitude Journal : Day 6

                Today is my Mommy’s and aunt’s birthdays. I am very happy that they are around. In addition, I am extremely giddy when my mother tells me that she’s received my birthday card. This has made my day! Here are the things that I am grateful for:

Gratitude List - Day 6
  1. I have the money to pay my bills
  2. Upwork has given me rising talent distinction
  3. I have the roof over my head
  4. My mother is celebrating her 67th birthday
  5. I qualify for so many opportunities to get me a job on Upwork and Indeed
  6.  I am preparing for ITIL and I am in good health
  7. Brian D’ Souza thinks so highly of me that he sends me the Data Scientist position
  8. My Mommy calls me today
  9. I receive my book press release.

The second biggest achievement is receiving my book press release. Yesterday I sent my meet the author book blurb to the promotions company and it acknowledged receipt. That happened within one hour shocking me. I was well on my way! Next I gave the freelancing company again after 3 weeks (the first interview went left).  I applied for 10 more proposals. I recommitted myself to not letting anything deter me. Afterward, I researched an opportunity with a high-income metro DC area magazine. That deposit money that a business conference wanted for its conference ad would give me a very big return on investment so I took. I started devising a sales plan just for it. Finally, I was grateful that I had the credit to afford it.

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