Tuesday, January 03, 2006

It Can't Get Any Worse

Okay so today I did not get off to a good start between my family member’s nonchalance at my economic situation (she can’t help me but she can bail my sibling out of traffic court and jail. How unfair! Well, at least she did impart some wisdom about relocation. I should remain here until my probationary period ends, then move.) I would save a lot of money BUT still would have to deal with the two-hour commute and her rants. Well, there are always trade-offs.

Then this crazy man sits right next to me and immediately tells me that I had to move and give him more space (he does this all of the time! So I challenged him when he asked (not asked more like dictated) that I had to move. He didn’t ask the person on his left. If he thought he would infuriate me, he did; yet, I returned the favor!

Now I will go to the Cleveland State University to register for courses.

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