Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Hustle & Muscle: Being the Change That I Want to See in This World

Hustle (v.i.): to work, or act rapidly or energetically.

Muscle (v.): to make one’s way by sheer force.

During the previous two weeks, I have been passively waiting to witness this life-changing epiphany that comes with turning thirty years old; but have realized that in the words of Ghandi I must be the change that I want to see in this world. Nothing gets done by being on the sidelines and my economist is proof positive of that. I remember working numerous temporary jobs, scrapping money together to afford Greyhound bus fare and Independence Air tickets to fulfill my dreams by taking the BLS and BEA Assessment exams and spending days on end at the public library applying for jobs, reading trade materials and brushing up on MS Office skills. Oftentimes, I struggled financially and emotionally as I saw my peers ascend the corporate ladder (so I thought). During these years, I had two checking accounts in arrears and bad credit. However, holding steadfast to the dream of becoming an economist, I persevered. These adversities though leaving me battled-scarred has also molded me into an impenetrably steely resolved woman who can out-hustle and muscle and withstand anything and everything! And, this is how I will enter my thirties!

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