Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Try Again

I was denied the apartment because of my bad credit which is scary because I do not want to pay my landlady $925! However, I do have some options which I just located off of craigslist.org. Walking to the hotdog stand cleared my mind because I almost cried from rejection even though resident manager urged me to not be discouraged!

The other apartments has a one-bedroom for $795 located in Suitland, Maryland. Also I have located a nearby apartments to review them also. If I am approved for the first apartment then I will move there Thursday. Go get my stuff and roll because it costs $130 less than paying her. However, I will conduct due diligence by inquiring about how residing out of Washington, DC would affect my paycheck.

Okay. I did not know that how loud I was talking because a colleague came across the hall to show me how to locate the house on Google Maps. It felt a little like the Careerbuilder.com commercial where the lady says “even my boss asked me how my job search went” but applied to apartment hunting. Dang! However, I did receive some great advance and wonderful information for next time.

My last financial literacy meeting is today and though the news is disparaging at least it is a lesson that I will take with me.

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