Monday, January 07, 2013

Snatching Victory from the Jaws of Defeat (aka How I Avoided the Ticketmaster Disaster and Purchased Inaugural Parade and Ball Tickets)

This Obama Inaugural/Ticketmaster ticket debacle is one for the record books!  First, I received an email from the Presidential Inauguration Committee (PIC) saying that the ticket link would come today, January 7th. Then I receive an email saying that the link was available Sunday night.  The site crashed immediately.  I was using Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Apple Safari web browsers simultaneously one point.  After receiving several 503 service unavailable frames, I thought about using my Blackberry.  My smartphone was faster.  I reached the screen where it said ‘sold out’ first on my Blackberry.  As a 2009 Western Inaugural Ball attendee, both PIC and Ticketmaster flubbed this one badly!

            During the downtime, I participated in the Twitter discovery/complaint process recounting my tales of woe.  During this time I learned from someone who worked at the PIC that the early email was a mistake, the PIC Ticketmaster phone number was unavailable by 10pm due to people calling in and that after 2 hours some woman purchased inaugural ball tickets.  Reading that I tried the link again only this time using both devices.  After refreshing the screens ad nauseam the inaugural parade tickets emerged (the ball still said ‘sold out’ for the time being).  Rationalizing that half a loaf (parade) was better than no loaf (no ticket), I acquiesced and selected the 10th street and E street NW route ticket.  First, I selected the UPS option but after remembering that I picked up my 2009 ticket through will call deselected the UPS (paying $5 for will call versus $23 for delivery was a contributing factor).  Doing that cost me 3 minutes because the system was dragging at a snail’s pace.  Ticketmaster gave me 18 minutes to complete the process and since it took me nearly the entire time period to pay!

            No sooner did I finish my parade ticket purchase, did the inaugural ball tickets became available.  Once again throughout the process, the screen was either freeze or my ticket would disappear saying ‘sold out’.  As a right-handed person, I never used my left hand to type that much in my life! I bought the ball ticket using my Blackberry. I felt truly accomplished right after that because after 3 hours I was victorious!

            That entire inaugural ticket exercise snafu was the exact opposite from 2009 and it wasn’t because there were 10 balls versus 2 this time.  I didn’t have to deal with Ticketmaster.  PIC administered the tickets directly streamlining the process.  The system didn’t crash and they were free instead of costing $65 ($60 ticket + $5 will-call fee). However, unlike so many other people, I refused to be frustrated by the process and banged it out while helping others along the way. I tweeted my progress to be on Twitter telling them that I was still getting parade tickets until 12 midnight.  Also I learned from someone who previously worked with the Obama administration that there would be some more tickets released this Thursday.  She was credible because she contacted me when I participated in Vote Corps.  Regardless, I was happy that this mess was over with (for me) and that I can get my inaugural gown.

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