Monday, March 21, 2016

Protecting Myself One Idea at a Time

                Today I have received my US Copyright Office papers for my book. Protecting my intellectual property is indispensable in a knowledge economy. You must protect your ideas at all costs. I feel so much safer knowing that my upcoming book is protected and that no one can rip me off. Below is the official paperwork:

I am way more motivated to keep at it and finish my book’s revision this month.

I am doing intellectual property protection beyond just my ideas. I have protected my name by buying the because I must control my media and content. If you don’t control it, someone else will. Here is the official US Copyright Office site:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I am also in the process of writing several books and manuals. You have to protect your intellectual property. I am following the same path you have set. All of my research is protected. Keep following your dreams.

Dr. Corinthia Price

FYI: Don't apologize for your success!!!