Thursday, September 12, 2013

Adapt III

            No sooner than I settle with my former landlord and move into a new apartment, does my work life fall out. There is so more jealousy regarding my getting a GS-14 that people are trying to take it away.  I thank God for earning my PMP certification because now I can find work somewhere else.  Also while helping a colleague earn her Contracting Officer Technical Representative (COTR) certification, has motivated me to pursue this. All of the other GS-14 possess COTR except for me; and, although I have only received my GS-14 for one month, I am adamant about receiving my COTR. It’s makes me equal and increases my overall competitive advantage.  If the government doesn’t have money then I will pay for it out of my pocket. I have done it with my CAPM and PMP surely I will do it with my COTR. I am all about self-investing. That how I’ve gone from GS-09 to GS-14 in seven years. I’m intent on going further than this in the next seven. Remember, it is all about adapting.

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