Thursday, November 29, 2007

Jason Whitlock is a Butthole who Should Be Fired for Misreporting the Facts

Jason Whitlock deserves to be fired for writing such an incompetent piece on Sean Taylor admitting in his article" Taylor's Death a Grim Reminder for Us All" that he does not know all of the facts (He calls it "aggressive speculation". Immediately I have posted my response that both the Washington Redskins and Sean Taylor’s family will sue him for libel and defamation of character plus forwarded my complaint to Kansas City Star’s Reader’s Representative because this is against journalistic ethics. You cannot report on anything without knowing all of the facts. This is a case of racism because if Jason Whitlock was a white man misreporting the fact, he would have been fired!
I have contacted both and the Washington Redskins because this is the ultimate form of libel and defamation of character. Mr. Whitlock has no right to speculate when the police has not conducted a proper investigation. What every by now knows is that a burglar entered his house eight days before the murder, left a knife on his bed then returned during the middle of the night to kill him in front of his girlfriend and 18-month old daughter. This is not random but a planned, cold, calculated murder and the guilty parties must be convicted to the fullest of the law!

1 comment:

The Venus said...

and you are so mature..yourself.."a butthole?" what kind of Economist straining toward the "greatness" of a Nobel Prize uses expresses her/himself with this kind of language?