Saturday, June 04, 2011

Donating to Books for America

Yesterday I realized that I have a plethora of books that were cluttering my place. I surfed the Internet finding the Books for America charity. This bookstore donated books to schoolchildren. Since I was a literacy advocate completing America Reads tutoring, this organization was right up my alley. Taking an early lunch I sorted through my inventory finding 28 books. I separated them into two recyclable bags that my mother gave me after DC ratified the 5 cent plastic bag fee. After work I called the employee telling her that I would be arriving. Weather cooperating I put one bag on each shoulder walking the five blocks to Books for America. The employee sorted through my books checking for yellowed paper, highlighted pages and publication dates. Adhering to the charity’s guidelines I was certain that she’d accept all of my books and I was right. The woman rejoiced at seeing Toni Morrison’s A Mercy exclaiming that the bookstore didn’t have much of her. “I was happy to feed the need.’ I replied. I understood her sentiment because if you didn’t get Toni Morrison on its release date the book would be sold out! Returning home I felt great giving my books to help improve area children because I knew the importance of literacy. This initial drop off motivated me towards donating books on a quarterly basis to not only de-clutter my humble abode but to enrich my community.

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