Thursday, June 05, 2008

Barack Obama's the Presumptive Democratic Nominee and Why Hillary Should Not Vice-President

After winning the Montana and capturing 2132 delegates, Barack Obama is the presumptive Democratic nominee. He is the first black person to receive a major party nomination. Furthermore, Hillary Clinton has announced via email that she will end her campaign Saturday in Washington, DC (Though there is no word yet as to if she would release her delegates). Though there are many petitions circulating to have Clinton as the vice-presidential nominee, Hillary would not be a good fit for Obama’s campaign for several reasons:

1) She is polarizing and has too much negative history: See Watergate, Monica Lewinsky and the failed healthcare bill

2) She is a sore loser who cannot admit defeat: the votes have already been counted Tuesday night but Clinton refuses to concede until Saturday, four days later. If someone cannot admit defeat then surely she cannot say that she is wrong which will hamper Obama’s presidential bid.

3) John Edwards’ endorsement put Barack Obama over the top after Hillary regained momentum with wins in Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania. Moreover, Hillary cannot win the South, something that this primary has shown. Edwards, a North Carolinian, would be a better guarantee to secure votes in that region and Appalachia.

4) She cannot muscle Barack into receiving the VP slot: You only have pull when you win and already many voters are comfortable voting for Barack over John McCain. This whole “I’m holding onto my marbles” is very childish and will return to haunt her as a Senator and if she decides to run for the presidency in 2012.

Many reporters posit that Barack’s three-person VP panel does not have her on the short-list anyway. For instance, Caroline Kennedy along with her uncle, Senator Ted Kennedy, are early Obama endorsers. I totally agree with them because Hillary should not expect to receive a seat at the table just because she has come in second. You do not see Mike Huckabee openly campaigning for McCain's VP slot!

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