Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Inside Track II

Fretting over the answer won't make the other person give it to you any faster -- in fact, just the opposite might be the case. Believe it or not, their high degree of interest is what's causing the delay.

Today the federal agency’s hr enthusiastically responded about my May start date and the graduate economics department has registered me for the summer session. Okay. Then a monkey wrench was thrown in my plan: I emailed the math professor about enrolling in pre-calculus. I included that I currently resided in Cleveland; and his reply was that I must notify him on or two days in advance to take the placement exam. Hello! Cleveland to DC is 300 miles. Like I could come up with this kind of money at the drop of hat! Luckily I found another graduate economics class to obtain the requisite six hours to qualify for summer aid. However, the lack of math still presented a problem, but it would probably be resolved by enrolling in the local community college. Anything is cheaper than paying $989 per credit hour!

Also I have located the AU pre-calculus book at the Cleveland Public Library and Saturday I will withdraw it and begin preparing for the math placement exam. Trigonometry is my weak spot so I will work on it to ensure that I am successful in scoring high enough to be accepted into pre-calculus.

On a happier note, the economics professor mailed my add-on class sheet that I slipped underneath his door last Friday so today wasn’t totally wacky. A little pressure never hurts nothin’.

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