Thursday, July 14, 2005

Job Search Drama

This job searching thing has been killing me lately because this week I have gone to two career fairs and have tested at one temporary agency, however, no permanent job leads as of yet. Maybe I wouldn't have been as cynical if I haven't has to wait in line for nearly one hour to interview for one position. And, I have pre-registered for this event. My legs are wobbly. My feet hurt and I am almost exhausted! In addition, I had to pay $4.60 to print resumes!

As I exit, the career fair, I walked over to the nearby temp office where I am registered to learn about the present status of a pending job order. He hs informed me that there is something currently in the works and will notify me later today. In addition, I have also I have received an email from another recruiter interested in discussing opportunities with me. I swear Tuesday's career informational interviews with a superregional bank was far more interesting and productive!

The bank advertised in the newspaper, radio and college. That fair lasted for two days. When I interviewed with the bank, there were four recruiters plus the diversity administrator whom I met. They were divided to represent two divisions: global trade services and corporate finance. The recruiters were cordial during both sessions and I received a business card and two human resources pamphlets from the administrator. Wow! What a difference two days make!

Yet I still reamin undaunted in my job search for a full-time permanent job. There are some more good things that should be coming such as the Pricing Analyst job with another employer, and Economist, Financial Analyst and Business Analyst positions located out of state.

I truly believe that I am on the cusp of greatness! I just hope I will realize it soon than later.

1 comment:

Carla said...

Drama No More!

I have founded another temporary job that pays more and will augment my skill set:)