Thursday, October 26, 2006

A New Attitude and a New Outlook

Last night, I thought of a new synonym for Ph.D. pressure hones diamonds in response to the debate that Reverend Al Sharpton and Jay had regarding voting yesterday on the Tom Joyner Morning Show. This is motivational because I want to obtain my Ph.D. plus franchise is extremely important to me.

Yesterday the math tutor told me that I needed some work on my algebraic concepts, that precalculus is the kind of math that I had to constantly work 100 problems, and upon the conclusion of my math session said until next time then proclaimed that “there is always a new time because you never stop learning!” How right he is. I have solved over twenty word problems in sections 4.7 and 4.8 alone and will incorporate them in my regimen because force me to think outside of the box. At the beginning of class, I feared word problems but after having enormous success, solving them seems like second nature.

In addition, yesterday I also decided that I would take total control over my life, career and education by requesting information from all of the Virginia educational organizations and going to the Foundation Center during lunch to research.

I have just finished emailing Virginian educational organizations for material requests and will know focus on my upcoming meeting with the career counselor. Having finished my Individualized Development Plan and registered for the SGE Conference, I feel that my career is full stem ahead! Today’s meeting will cover the IDP and how to market myself at the conference and tips regarding the ASSA event this January. Also I will tell her about my latest NUL and NAACP discoveries.

Discussing my IDP with her helped me immensely because she gave me more ideas regarding attaining my short-term and long-term goals. First, she talked about adding the ASSA Convention and NABE Policymaking conference to my IDP. Second, regarding Toastmasters she gave me the idea to create an icebreaker for the SGE conference (how ingenious!). I can practice my public speaking skills here at the conference. Why wait until November 8th? Third, she asked (well, actually prodded me) to seek out a mentor (I really do not know anyone so how could I?). Her remarks forced me out of my comfort zone. Immediately after the meeting I emailed my boss about my IDP so that he could review it.

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