Tuesday, October 10, 2006

At the Fair

Attending the George Washington University School of International Affairs open house has reinvigorated my doctoral search and recommitted me to executing on my job. As the first visitor at the Ivy League table, I told the recruiter where I worked, he exclaimed “Wow!” His response made me think that working here is big time stuff! I will stay here for at least two years to solidify my resume and obtain my MA in Economics degree. I know feel that I will be selected to attend my favorite doctoral in economics program. It was also in attendance as well as two other Ivies (I hit all of those tables). USC had its new Public Diplomacy program on display (which was extremely cool!); plus I retrieved information from several other reputable schools. I left knowing that I too could compete with the rest of the world and the importance of studying statistics to increase my job productivity.

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