Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Ambition (n.) 1) strong desire for success, fame, power, wealth, etc. 2) the thing so desired.

This week the Nobel Prizes are being announced and thus far they have all been Americans which dispels the myth that we are not good in math or science. This further motivates me to learn math and to try harder in my studies to become the first female Nobel economics prize recipient. I know that I have what it takes to do it!

I successfully aced last night's exam by reviewing my answers and correcting multiple errors which would had hurt me badly. During the examination, Professor Johnson told the class that she would provide a formula sheet for the next test because there would be an abundance of them to learn. That remark spurred me into action because I wanted to cover sections 4.1-4.4 by Thursday’s class to ensure that I understood all of the material. Using my vacation time wisely would enable me to position myself to not only learn logarithms and trigonometry but also place me on track to excel on the CLEP precalculus and calculus exams.

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