Monday, November 21, 2005

Take the Good with the Bad

This week, of course, is Thanksgiving and the one thing that I am extremely thankful for is for having a job. Even though it is part-time, this income allows me to plan my return to school. While watching today's Tyra Show, she discussed how she and her mother were in France and immediately after a couple ordered everything off of the menu at a Chinese restaurant, they stole some of the food from their table. Granted, I never had to beg like that, but her plight and success made me appreciative of the fact that I don't have it that bad; and, how I must capitalize upon everything I have.

Today the County Administrative Officer left a voicemail informing me that I passed all three sections of the Information Processor 1 battery with flying colors! However, I cannot locate my house key (I will find it eventually). This forces me to buy more trash bags, but also to become more organized (I am a little piggy at times. I admit! ) Now I must confront my pack-rattiness and discard anything that doesn't assist in moving me forward. I really do need to get rid of a lot of things, and what better way than now. If I am accepted to Cleveland State, I cannot bring all of this junk with me to the dorm; therefore, today I will throw out as many bags of trash as possible. This is will power and determination to clearly focus on my objectives of owning my own place and becoming an Economist and songwriter (I see these two ventures as part of my uniqueness.)

And more good news: I have checked my phone and saw a voicemail from another company which is interested in me from the Cleveland State University Career Fair. I am so happy that immediately after completing this session, I will return the recruiter’s phone call. That is remarkable especially since yesterday, I planned to apply to all of the employers in the Career Fair handout. I will still complete these plans to position myself to interview and land a job for the new year. It is all about planning and execution!

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