Monday, November 14, 2005

Speaking Truth Into Existence

Happy Birthday goes out ot my father, Ricardo Chavez Jenkins, who is 56 today! :)

Today I took a county battery test to be considered for the Information Officer position. These tests served as a barometer of our proficiency. Prior to taking this exam, a lady was proclaiming how she would not pass the test because she couldn’t type and that she’d hoped that I didn’t out-type her. I laughed her remark off because I was determined to excel on this test. Mentally I prepared myself to succeed; and, after the typing test, her words came to fruition. She was excused from continuing with the remaining test-takers because her error rate was too high. I truly believed the reason from her failure was that she spoke her own truth, albeit bad, into existence.

Though the three remaining tests were harder and I did not complete all of them, I felt that I would be considered for an interview because the test proctor mentioned that the group had to have 13 correct checking answers, 9 correct mathematic answers and 6 reading comprehension. Done! Upon the completion of those tests, I discussed my results with other participants and they mentioned how they initially had problems with the math section; however, their remarks weren’t as discouraging nor disparaging as the first lady’s; therefore, I believed that I would be victorious come Wednesday when I contact the administrator for my results. In the meantime, I would prepare for my next step.

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