Monday, October 31, 2005


In today’s Plain Dealer an article discusses that 170,000 youths aged 16 to 24 are disconnected from everyday life. A disconnected youth is one aged 16 to 24 with either a GED or a high school diploma who is not pursuing employment of higher education. My brother, though he is 26, perfectly fits this definition because he has his GED but neither pursues gainful employment nor higher education. He constantly floats between our parents and aunt. Whereas, I possess an MBA and a BA in International Economics, have traveled abroad to London and even though I am currently working part-time and actively searching for full-time employment. I will attend my third job fairs in two weeks and have aggressively networked with others to obtain leads. Also I am returning to college to obtain my M.A. in Economics to upgrade my skill set to become an Economist. Yet, I too want to become more connected and more engaged as an adult by relocating and moving to either Washington, DC or New York City. It is important that I be completely independent; and, isolating myself is the only way to accomplish this feat because everything would fall on me.

Right now I feel stagnant here and possessing a very strong, dynamic personality I need challenges and my present environment and family do not push me enough. Moving to one of these cities to become an Economist is my dream and therefore, I have rededicated myself to greatness. This is the only way to fulfill it. Rosa Parks was is the epitome of an engaged woman and American and the worked has clearly benefited because of her. This article, though is clearly not pointing the finger at me, has made me reevaluate my personal mission. It is essential that I undergo a personal transformation in order to realize all of my dreams, goals and ambitions which are the following: obtain both an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Economics, land an Economist post en route towards achieving tenure as a full professor at a top-tier university, Explore my creative side as a singer/songwriter, save my money to establish a foundation that will evolve and serve as the cornerstone for financing my own bank and college, and become the first woman Nobel Laureate in Economics. I have got a lot of work ahead of me and devoting myself towards achieving these objectives starts right now!

1 comment:

Shanikka said...

Hey Carla:

I found my way over here after a long weekend - thanks for sending me the link to your blog. There are a number of young sisters going through your experience of "finding your dream" right now, and it reads like you have the right attitude, so keep the faith!

(P.S. You'd asked how to bookmark my site at Political Sapphire. There's actually a pretty good explanation of it in Blogger's help, but if you can't sort it, send me your e-mail and I'll walk you through it).