Saturday, October 15, 2005

I learned something today

Right now when I enter the learning connections lab at the main branch, the computer spit back a message saying that I used my two hours for the day. The librarian explained that SAMS is systems-wide and it allowed a patron to be on the computer for two hours anywhere. However, she overrode it for me.

Also while I am on the subject of learning, I must start learning that no matter how in love I am with an idea, read the fine print. In this case, it is Howard University. Its spring 2006 deadline was October 1st. Though I am ineligible for this semester, I do have other viable options such as remain here and attend CSU, save money than reapply or attend George Mason University or any other Metro DC area schools. GMU’s deadline is December 22, 2005 giving me two months to search for financial aid since I will be enrolling as a graduate non-degree applicant. The reason: I haven’t studied for the GRE yet. However, I have managed to request scholarship applications to ensure that I will be attending debt-free! :)

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