Thursday, June 07, 2007

Opportunity Journal Entry #8: Leave No Stone Unturned!

Meeting with the career coach has helped me better process and clarify my ideas regarding my job search. I have told her about receiving an interview with another agency but really want to stay here. The other agency offers loan forgiveness and tuition assistance which will truly help me; but, here I am already in the system where securing a ZP-III promotion is much easier than going else. During the conversation, I inform her about contacting the HR representative about the timetable because it is realistic that I can be in government on the fifth floor by August 1st. Immediately afterward, I travel to see her and inquire about the announcement’s timetable. She says that after it closes, the staff will review it for 10-15 days then email individuals who made certification (She says that I can view it electronically.). She has validated my earlier assumptions. Riding high and full of optimism, I return to my office in preparation for today’s meeting with the new associate director.

Unbeknownst to me, the BEA’s Regional Program Outreach Potential poster hanging on the wall offers an abundance of opportunity to expand my job search. I have written down every single organization. This represents a watershed moment because I never know that many regional economic organizations exist! When opportunity knocks, you better answer!

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