Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Ridding Myself of Toxic People

This past weekend has provided me with much needed positive reinforcement to carry on throughout this week. Sunday’s Astrology.com gave me substantial proclamation “No matter where you are, don’t get comfy, because the universe isn’t done with you yet. Apparently, its your turn to be jolted out of a rut, and whether you’ve ready for it or not won’t matter your best bet? Resolved to be flexible. In addition, Joel Osteen’s sermon about ridding myself of toxic people to create a positive environment spoke to me and my trials and tribulations regarding my educational pursuits and the people around. He said that family members are the main people who discourage your dreams. How true this is! Afterward, I realized that I must move into the graduate dorm to focus on improving me. I am around a lot of toxic people. Yesterday, I mailed my $20 residence application because it is a priority that I remove myself from a negative situation.

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