Thursday, September 13, 2007

Opportunity Journal Entry #12: Clarity

Even though my leg muscles are weak and I really do not feel like reviewing math right now, I will still make a concerted effort; the concerted effort paid off because solving four of the Bernoulli problems (two of them on my own) boost my confidence! Now I feel that I can ace this quiz however I will still review this equation and both the general and particular solutions. Starting today whenever I have a problem or want to expand my learning, I will travel to the UDC MAC to work with tutors. Finally, I no longer fear integration. I just have to work on it!

My boss' boss mistakenly sent an invitation to meet regarding promotions and other personnel matters. My ZP-III promotional meeting really shook him enough (He admitted that the current system was unclear!) to schedule one with the program managers. Clear, concise rules would benefit everyone in the division. Furthermore, my speaking out further helped the entire workplace because with the pay-for-performance deadline six weeks away, clarity is important (Although he already acknowledged that I would be getting one!).

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