Friday, September 28, 2007

Notes from the Republican All-American Presidential Forum (Why I Will Vote Democratic in 2008!)

I must respond to the Republican accusations that all black people are welfare recipients. Here’s is my summary:

The problems I have with the Republican Party during yesterday's All-American Presidential Forum viewing black people as welfare recipients even though 65% of welfare rolls comprise of white people) and the ardent advocacy for states’ rights in the midst of Jena and the unfair application of the death penalty persists after the conclusion of All-American Presidential Forum at Morgan State University in Baltimore. Moreover, in the prologue of Dr. Martin Luther King’s Why We Can’t Wait he details a married couple, the wife who works as a live-in maid for a family and her husband who is unemployed yet this union possesses two characteristics not present in the Republican nominees’ answers :1) does not result in divorce and 2) result in welfare roll dependency. It amazes me that Duncan Hunter is against DC statehood because the district disallows guns in homes. Further it blows me away that Tom Tancredo asserts that if DC wants to achieve statehood then the part ceded to Virginia should returned and the part ceded to Maryland should be returned. However, West Virginia was a part of, you guessed it, Virginia but it achieved statehood. Then this morning again Tavis Smiley says that we should not have been surprised with the answers we’ve received given whom we are talking. However, this just serves as one more reminder of why I will vote Democratic in 2008!

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