Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Going Sideways to Get Ahead

I have been giving advice to Mr. Slowik who chronicles his job search at www.careerjournal.com. Today he discussed his job search and his interest in working with trusts and estates because of the human contact. Immediately I located the New York bar Association’s Trust and Estates Section, and emailed CareerJournal the link (the editor informed me that my response would be forwarded to Mr. Slowik). It amazes me how very little I know about law but how important it is help someone in need obtain objective advice!

This past Sunday I received the same advice from the math tutor in regards to micro. I dropped the course to focus on improving my math skills. I still will take the CLEP and have emailed my College Board guidance counselor regarding my intent to review CLEP material. Passing the CLEP calculus test is more of a personal victory than catching up (though that would be nice, too! However, improving my quantitative abilities has always been a priority!), because I am at a point in my life where completing my MA in Economics at age 30, in two years instead of one is not the end of the world. Matter of factly, it will represent the beginning of a new decade of promise.

This confession is astronomical coming from a Type-A person who has always completed degrees on time; however, working in my field as an economist affords me the privilege to sit back acquire experience then apply it to my education. Besides an MA is not a prerequisite for my career goal of obtaining a Ph.D. I already have a BA in International Economics plus I can earn my Doctor of Business Administration. Fretting too much about ticky-tack things such as this never is my strong suit to I'll just continue going sideways to get ahead.

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