Monday, August 21, 2006

Review and Appreciation for Black Women's Lives

Reading Black Women’s Lives inspired me to write a chapter about my life which I entitled, the Academician, describing my affinity for educational achievement.

Completing my M.A. in Economics has been on the forefront ever since arriving in Washington, DC to work as an Economist. Though this objective will initially cost money rather than make money, obtaining my degree was still mandatory, an indispensable element that signaled accomplishment. I already have an MBA but I have never ever not follow through and complete something. Especially regarding education, because without it I would not be a ZP-0110-02 Economist earning a decent living. Instead I would earn a meager wage as a ZP-01 Economist.
Arriving at this point in my journey towards attaining a Ph.D. in economics and business administration, owning my own home and becoming the first black woman Fortune 500 CEO of a wholly-owned corporation. Having successfully transferred from CSU to AU while maintaining the same graduation date, is the first step in the right direction. However, this time there is more on the agenda than just studying. I want to upgrade my skills through the Social Science Lab which offers tutorials and workshops in SAS, SPSS, STATA, SPLUS, EVIEWS, GAUSS, and LIMDEP. Having acquired working knowledge of these software programs will surely boost my professional profile!

This time it is different because I am determined to excel. All I have to depend upon is myself. There is not anyone else who is here in my immediate family to bail me out of anything (not that I am criminal minded anyway!) I truly believe that within one year, I will have earned my degree, received a grade promotion, relocate to Washington, DC and payoff the majority of my bills. Envisioning this life with a decent paycheck was unfathomable even four months ago, but now that I have been here for over three months, the reality has not overwhelmed me at all! Now more than ever, I am focused on securing my pay-for-performance raise, attaining my MA in Economics degree, digging myself out of debt and saving for retirement.

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