Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Day Before

You can learn a lot by employing a strategic silence, so bite down on any urges to blurt out what it is you know. You're not being manipulative -- you're simply playing your cards very close to your chest.-Today's Horoscope

Tonight is the day before I fly to Washington, DC to interview for the BEA Economist position. I am so psyched about receiving five interviews from everyone throughout the agency and the courteousness of every individual involved in the process. I believe that this time will be the charm and I will become an Economist because I no longer fear failure. I documented my feelings in a scholarship essay. This exercise made me reexamine myself and how I have grown and matured in just four short months. Prior to enrolling the math class and working for the county, I feared the unknown; however, I come to embrace it and look forward to every opportunity that comes my way.

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