Monday, May 09, 2016

Gratitude List - Day 16

I am happy that I am willing to listen and learn from people. This entire self-publishing makes me a novice again. I am not the expert. I have to rely on others whom have more knowledge than I do right now. Every day I am learning something new about the book profession and about myself. I have learned today that I am getting better at the do-it-yourself (DIY) computer stuff. Today I have activated my WordPress’ RSS generator plug-in to get the RSS feed link and copy it to my Goodreads author page. I have learned this a couple of days ago when I have to link my blogs to my Amazon author page. I have downloaded that RSS Generator plug-in to all three blogs and boom- all of my posts are uploaded. I feel like I can work at the help desk! Here is today’s gratitude list:

Gratitude List – Day 16

  1. To live in a neighborhood where I can walk to passport DC embassy events.
  2. To receive good counsel from people who care about my success.
  3. To have good wi-fi and Internet to conduct research for my book.
  4. Have money for food.
  5. A roof over my head.
  6. A bed to sleep on.
  7. I am open to learning more from people every single day.
  8. To have the money to fund my dream.
  9. Have my Goodreads author profile approved. 

I am seriously considering more publicity for my book. Yes, I am on two (well, 1 ½) virtual book tours but I want all of my bases covered. I have visited past blog tours on my book promotions company and I like how much activity I get over the two-month period. Every other day there is something. However, I dislike having only 4-5 interviews over a two-month period. I am inclined to get more interviews because I need to tell me side of the story and how this book will solve problems. Yesterday, I secured my first radio show. I need to have more lined up.

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