Monday, May 09, 2016

Gratitude List - Day 13


 I am still riding high from securing my book PR lady yesterday. My life is going in the right direction. I am grateful for being able to sit and be still. I will listen and learn. I know my limits which is why I have hired her. I have a clear pathway towards becoming a bestseller. My PR lady is a 4-time international Amazon bestseller. She has given me homework such as emailing the business conference for half-page ad and vending prices.
                Another note: It is Star Wars’ ‘May the Fourth’ and I will tap into my Inner Trekker because I love math, science and space. Star Wars came out the same year I was born. People don’t understand the importance of space exploration and discovery. Star Trek and Star Wars show that anything is possible. Here is today’s gratitude list:

Gratitude List - Day 13

  1. To be open to learning more opportunities
  2. My phone interview company has emailed me its health benefits. That’s a good omen.

It is limited because my energy is limited at 2am. I have a career luncheon to attend and must be out of the door to Kinko’s by 10:45am to copy my resumes and board the silver line for Tysons Corner.
                I am happy to go because so many people have taken my resume and thought I have given a strong elevator pitch. I have emailed recruiters interested in me. My goal is to obtain a Senior Project Manager or Senior Scrum Master position. I would love to have a full-time consulting opportunity especially with my LLC because I can now do corp to corp.
                Finally, I have submitted my bibliography and thank you page to my publisher for my book. It is like a load has been lifted off of my shoulders. Now I can focus on promoting my book. The publisher says that I should receive it by tomorrow.  This file will allow me to upload it to Amazon KDP. Here is my updated gratitude list:

Updated Gratitude List

  1. I have the health and energy to travel to the career luncheon
  2. I have met people whom are interested in me.
  3. I’ve finished my book by submitting my bibliography and thank you page.
  4. I have the money to get my clothes out of dry clean
  5. I have people taking my resumes.
  6. I am chronicling my self-publishing so that I can help others.
  7. Creating another radio episode.
  8. I have the money to afford the career luncheon.

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