Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Drive (v.t.): to force to go; push forward; impel; to force to work, usually to excess.

Genealogy fuels my drive to outperform everyone. It’s the reason behind applying for GS-11 Economist positions because I cannot be stopped! This drive propels me to a BA, London, MBA and traveling numerous times to take both the BEA and BLS Economist assessment exams multiple times.

During these moments, doubt often crept into my mind especially while working temporary jobs because taking off work meant losing money. However, I had this vision to become an Economist. This conviction is similar to Robert Kiyoshi who slept on friends’ couches while amassing his empire; and, after everything that had happened to me I would not exchange any hardships because the setback made me stronger producing a steely resolve directly attributed to my drive.

Furthermore, I am taking a more active role in assembling my master’s thesis because if I am paying that kind of money then I will research my thesis! I’ve called the secretary about who has taught ECON 505 (it happen to be an adjunct faculty who hasn’t taught at AU). Disappointed I tell her my frustration and she asks if I have an advisor to which I respond No. She then tells me that my advisor is Professor Reynolds whom I’ll email because haste makes waste.

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