Thursday, August 08, 2013

Back to Where It All Started

            On the last day I’m 35, I am officially here in Cleveland and cannot be any happier because I’ll celebrate my 36th birthday here. This past year I have received my GS-14 promotion, a new DuPont Circle apartment, and earned my PMP certification. These are major especially the GS-14 because not too many people get to this level at my age.
I will be with my father all day tomorrow but since my Mommy has moved our lunch to Sunday, I am free for my birthday dinner. This means that I will wear my Valentino dress. I bought it at Gilt City warehouse sale this past spring. I will pair it with Giuseppe Zanotti sandals that I broke in for an event but didn’t wear. I love them especially since I bought them 50% off. Speaking of fashion, I’ve bought the fashion Cleveland t-shirt from the Cleveland store off of Euclid & East 4th. I will rock that with jeans on my birthday. It’s only right since I’ve promised myself that 6 months from now, I will showcase my collection for the 10th Fashion Week Cleveland show. I refuse to let my housing situation deter me from success. I breathe creativity plus I possess the business acumen so I will always make a profit!

            I know what I will continue to do in my next year of life: stand on principle. Okay so people hate my drug free stance. They’ll get over it. I am an epileptic who has nerve problems and I’m not resorting to either marijuana, or any other type of drugs or alcohol to ‘cure’ myself. I work on myself and becoming better every single day. That’s all I can do and do it well I will!

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