Thursday, July 27, 2017

eBay Adventure - It's the Principle!

My Kate Spade skirt sold today. It came out of nowhere because I thought that the bidder wouldn’t return after I made my counteroffer. Let me back up. Two days ago, the bidder placed a $47 counteroffer on a $125. No Bueno! I counteroffer with $60 (Hey, you had to do at least half!). The bidder never returned. Now I admitted that I could had used that money but it was the principle; and, I was glad that I stuck to my guns because that very same bidder returned with a $55 bid (adding the $10.55 priority shipping and it was $65.). I accepted the order and shipped it immediately. Morale of the store: always stick to your principles because the sales will come!

Shop my eBay store for the best in tall women’s affordable luxury:

Watch my all-new eBay livestream where I highlight 7 new items! 

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