Thursday, June 22, 2017

XD30 – Day 22 – Eyes on the Prize

                I am focused on preparing for the next phase of my career. Yes, there is a whole lot of negative things swirling around me; but, I refuse to let them distract me from my goal. Actually, I am glad that I am away from my cell right now because I get focused. I can hone in on what I need to do.
                Confession: I have received assistance for training and there’s a 90%+ passage rate; but, I am still doing my part to adequately prepare for the training. I always want to walk into the training center knowing what the topic is. I have never walked in cold without knowing anything. I own my learning and feel that although I am receiving assistance, it is still my responsibility to learn as much as possible.

                I have never told anybody anything about it because I only care about outcomes not steps. I never broadcast everything that is going on because when I do announce it. I am very general about discussing certain things especially when they haven’t come to fruition yet. Personally, I dislike people broadcasting every move you make. Focus on outcomes, not impressing people with the whole ‘look at me’ thing. Be productive not busy!

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