Monday, April 25, 2016

Gratitude Journal : Day 4

                Although my sleeping pattern has been erratic, I am grateful to at least write down my list before returning to slumber. This is the second business day of my gratitude challenge (I started Friday.). I am also happy that I have pulled myself out of the doldrums. I am no longer in a funk and being grateful is becoming easier. Here is my initial gratitude list for today:

Gratitude List – Day 4

  1. The opportunity to land another Project Manager in-person interview.
  2. The opportunity to learn more about the book publishing industry from a professional.
  3. For financial abundance that is coming soon.
  4. Breathing the fresh air in DC. I am experiencing real spring (not 3 weeks of 65-70 degrees before there’s 85-degree heat until October 1st). I can leave my windows open all day.
  5. To start today and this new week off productively.
  6. To excel on my project management radio show.

This was the list until I walked to CVS then I had an epiphany: I am not financially lacking when I have checking accounts at two different banks. The average American had one checking and one savings account. Here I was with a personal checking and saving plus a business checking and saving accounts. I was doing better than most. This week I worked on guaranteeing that I filled both my personal and business accounts.
                Another reality check I had was that I wanted to know more about how Jehovah wanted to use me. I meant that I was put on here for a reason. I wanted to know which would help me improve my personal and professional lives. Now I added 2 more items to my gratitude list.

Additional Gratitude List Items

  1. Having two checking and savings accounts at different banks.
  2. Seeing how Jehovah would use me.

I was satisfied stopping there because cumulatively I had 8 things on my list. However, speaking with a professional reignited my gratitude. She proofread my meet the author blurb for free. That gesture magnified that my practicing gratitude had the snowball effect. All I wanted to do was to learn more from a book editing professional. I received a free critique in response. That made my day. Next I had my in-person interview and was glad that I researched the interviewer, company and LinkedIn profile because I asked the right questions. That extra research made me quick on my feet too because some of those questions were hard. Finally, I spoke with my brand manager who now told me that I could do my 5-hour session via Skype versus travelling. I genuinely felt like cursing her out but I stayed in peace happy that I still had this option before my book came out. Furthermore, she also told me to start going to events and pitch myself as a speaker. Well, there was an event tomorrow evening where I will do just that. I amended my gratitude list adding two more things:

Additional Gratitude List Items

  1. Choosing to stay in peace amidst stupidity.
  2. Having the flexibility necessary for a quick turnaround.

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