Sunday, January 03, 2016

Intrepid : My 2016 Word of the Year

Intrepid (noun)-  
characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance  intrepid explorer>
                Intrepid is my word for 2016. I am fearless both personally and professionally. 2016 will bring about absolution. I am very resolute that this will be my biggest and best year yet. There will be no slow down here from 2015 to 2016. I envision my business will be successful earning over $1 million in its inaugural year. Although this is a lofty goal, having earned over $100,000 for three straight years, I have new lands to conquer. I know that I need a system and am open to developing this in order to achieve my $1 million. My radio show will take off because it deals with positive change, project management and brand management. In addition, I will also have my radio and positive change mobile apps available in 2016.
Personally, I envision myself in a full-time job that I love where I can contribute. I have been planting a lot of seeds this year and am ready to reap the harvest. Although this is winter, early 2016 will be my harvest season. I will get a high-paying job where I will be a great fit. In addition, I will rid myself of negative and people or companies trying to take me down. Most importantly, I will eliminate people and things that no longer serve me because I need to be lighter in order to get to the next level. 

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