Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I Think I Have Gotten It!

Though the ladies at the local ladies chapter was nice, professional and sophisticated, I felt that I could reach the next level by becoming a Link. And for the first time, I did not feel guilty for my ambition. I am a Leo and a Type-A personality who come here to DC to conquer the world and I refuse to defer my dreams to accommodate others’ expectations! It’s my decision to fulfill all of my potential especially on the heels of interviewing for the ZP-III Economist. I already have the qualifications: an MBA, community service record and a high-profile job. Furthermore, since properly managing time, I can now devote my attention to becoming an Alpha Kappa Alpha. I’ve always loved education because that’s the reason why I am an economist and believe that I can contribute on the scholarship committee. However, I cannot foresee myself moving from this chapter to Washington, DC one because the ladies are so hospitable (I don’t know the DC ladies but I don’t want to lose that homey feeling). Also I have some Links in my other online profile but I cannot see myself telling them that I want to become a member because that’s opportunism; and, I avoid that at all costs because I possess the qualifications therefore I’ll be okay.
Lately I have been thinking about returning to Akron to see my maternal family, attend civic events and the uproar of wearing high fashion. Living in Washington, DC, wearing Armani Exchange and Stuart Weitzman shoes are seem as normal but returning to Akron would cause a stir. How many people have purchased $135 sandals (not shoes, but sandals?) and wear $250 Limited suits? However, every time I travel a learning experience ensues, therefore, I expect no less from fellow Akroners.

My dreams have been providing the road map to navigate around obstacles to become a Link. It is becoming clearer that God has been transmitted messages using my dreams as conduits informing me that I can be whomever I want, just do not lose yourself in the process! A Ha! I finally get why all of my dreams revolve around family because I hold them dear (even though they get on my nerves at times!).

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